Erik at the Homeless Memorial located at the corner of
Grant Street and Ft. Pitt Boulevard.
Evan (Logistics)
Erik received Bachelor and Master's Degrees in Education from The University of Akron and Marygrove University respectively. Additionally, he received his Master's of Arts in Religion with his focus in Pastoral Ministries. He is employed as a Kindergarten teacher in the Pittsburgh area.
It is within the elementary school setting that Erik began the All Wound Up Yo-Yo Club for the fourth grade students. This club meets before and after school to learn tricks and raise money for local and global non-profits. In 2018, the yo-yo club made a donation to the Blankets Over Pittsburgh Organization (blanketsoverpittsburgh.com). This organization, run by Jack (Coach) Brumbaugh, was integral to introducing Erik to the homeless population of Pittsburgh. Through his work with Jack, Erik was given the opportunity to witness the difference that everyday items make to Pittsburgh's homeless population. He also noticed an unmet need: LIGHT. This observation was the birth of Light in my City.
Evan is the son of Erik, and like his father, strives to help make the world a better place.
Currently a student at Youngstown State University, he is pursuing a degree in supply chain management.
After seeing his father's work and the impact it has made on so many lives, Evan has joined the team.
Using the principles he is learning, Evan is enhancing the mission of Light in my City.
Between he and his father, they will continue to provide light, dignity, and safety to Pittsburgh's homeless population.